Caffè Quadri Presentation/Performance: O/Ring/O Event: On the occasion of the 54rd Venice Biennale Location: Caffè Quadri, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy Materials: Ink, Coffee and ceramic ring on Photographic Paper/Cliché-Verre Sponsor: STIFTUNG FÜR MEDIENKUNST&PHILOSOPHIE, Berlin Germany Date: Friday, June 3, 2011 The seventh appointment for Jack Sal, who since 1997 on the occasion of the Biennale d'Arte in Venice, has made his performances at the historic Caffè Quadri. O/Ring/O conceived for 54th Biennial and sponsored by STIFTUNG FÜR MEDIENKUNST&PHILOSOPHIE, Berlin Germany makes use of three elements: an artwork of ceramic-lustro, photographic paper, and coffee. A circularity that refers to the temporal. A Venetian tradition dating back to the 16th century, connects the ceramic designed by the American artist, which presents the shape of the Doge's ring and, at the same time, the ritual performed by the Supreme Leader in launching the ring into the lagoon, to celebrate the marriage of Venice to the sea. The photographic paper, a constant in artistic research of Jack Sal and coffee are connected to the idea of time. Coffee, in particular, has a strong connection with the concept of space/time within these performative actions: the arrival of the coffee, and its consumption by the artist delineates the duration of the performance.