Palazzo Morelli Project/Title: Action/Re/Action Location: Palazzo Morelli Fine Art - Todi
Date: April 2 - May 1, 2011 Square/Triangle/Divide Primary/Secondary/All Opened/Closed/Reopen Right/Center/Left Eights/Quarters/Halves Measure/Make/Measure Concepts/Production/Concept Idea/Realization/Ideas Mark/Make/Remark Remark/Reflect/Restate Panel/Wood/Work Object/Image/Artwork Action/Re/Action Link: Palazzo Morelli The works, made especially for the ancient setting of Palazzo Morelli, the cycle of works on natural untreated wood panels, in square format, have been realized with silk tape and pigmented inks. In “Action/Re/Action” Jack Sal continues his artistic research that develops the concept of Action/Re/Action. With this technique developed over the last fifteen years where drawing is born with the reaction of materials, where the traces of the gesture of the artist becomes the structure of the works. |