Title: Artedomani 3 Festival of Two Worlds
Project: Installation with Steel Elements
Location: Ex-Ospedale San Matteo degli Infermi, Spoleto, Italy
Materials: Steel "I" Beams & Photographic Paper/Cliché-verre
Dimensions: Floor Plan: 22.97'X26.25'X12.66'/7mX8mX4m
24 Units: 4 Each of 19.69", 29.53", 39.37", 49.21", 59.06" & 68.90" H
4 Each of 50cm, 75cm, 100cm, 125cm, 150cm & 175cm H
Built: Late 14th Century
Sponsors: Incontri Internazionali d'Arte & Galleria d'Arte Moderna Spoleto
Date: May 27 - September 16, 1994
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